About Me

Hi my name is Samantha! For the past six years, I have delved deep into all of the best tools for deep healing and transformational growth. If you were to tell me I'd be where I am now six years ago I may have not believed you. I was stuck in victim mentality for so long, and it was after hitting rock bottom that I had a profound realization. No one was going to save me. I set out on a journey to heal myself and change who I was being so that I could transform my life. 

I became a Certified Hypnotist, Reiki Master, Breakthwork Facilitator and Mindset Coach to master the tools for myself, and then share it with others! I’ve had a painful past of suffering, and the truth is, I don’t want others to suffer the same way I did. Whether that your area of struggle is money, career, relationships, body image, weight loss, the solution lies in your mindset in the depths of your subconscious mind. My job is to help you transform your identity (your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors), and reprogram your mind, making you and your dream reality a perfect match. I have been able to do this in multiple areas of my life, including my love, health, and career, upleveling the type of experiences I attract into my life. I know you can do it, too!