How to Imagine yourself Confident

How to Imagine yourself Confident

Did you know that the subconscious mind doesn't understand the difference between reality and an imaginal act? Imagination is a powerful tool that can create reality. It allows us to visualize and manifest our desires into existence. Imagination is the first step in creating any new invention, business, or work of art. It's the ability to see what doesn't exist yet, and to imagine a new world that doesn't yet exist.


Many great thinkers and philosophers have believed in the power of imagination. Albert Einstein famously said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution."


When we imagine something, we create a mental picture of it. This mental picture becomes a blueprint for our subconscious mind, which then works to manifest our desires into reality. Our subconscious mind is like a magnet that attracts the things we focus on.


For example, if we imagine ourselves as a successful entrepreneur, our subconscious mind will begin to work towards making that a reality. We will start to think of new business ideas, meet people who can help us, and take actions that lead us towards that goal. Our imagination becomes the driving force behind our actions, which ultimately creates our reality.


Imagination also helps us to overcome obstacles and challenges. When we imagine ourselves overcoming a difficult situation, our subconscious mind begins to work towards finding a solution. We become more creative and resourceful, and we can find new ways to overcome the challenge.


This means your imagination can help you build evidence for your brain that you are the confidence person you aspire to be. If we use it unconsciously, which we do the majority of the time, then or imaginations can create undesirable outcomes.


It is important to know that manifestation is not a magical phenomenon. The truth is, we are always manifesting with our thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions, and by assuming imaginal acts over and over again, we can continue to create the same experiences for ourselves.


How many times did you expect a deal to fall through or a relationship to go south, and most of the time, in a very particular way? There is a reason we repeat very specific patterns in our lives, and it is because we repeat them first in our minds....over and over again all through our expectations.


Becoming conscious of your inner conversations and what you imagine is very important in stopping these patterns. Many people allow their past experiences to create their future ones.


Take ownership of your imagination and use it to your advantage to create the change you wish to experience. Start small with things you'd like to see happen in your life, and I suggest being very specific. A good technique to start off with is the ladder technique. It is a technique taught by one of my favorite spiritual teachers of all time, Neville Goddard.


For three nights while fall off into sleep, imagine yourself climbing a ladder. Imagine it in first person point of view. Feel yourself taking the steps up the ladder and placing your hands on the steps of the ladder as you climb it up and down. Loop this scene several times seeing your hands and feet as you climb the ladder, and then let it go. Why do this before sleep? It is when your subconscious mind is the most open. It is essentially theta state, the state you go in under hypnosis which is why hypnosis is so effective.


I promise you, in the next few days or weeks you will find yourself climbing a ladder. Once you've built the belief that your imagination can create your outside experiences, you can let your imagination run wild and create the reality you desire, imagining yourself as the person you want to be. I've used this technique to build on my own self-confidence, imagining myself waking up and looking in the mirror and loving who I see. I've imagine myself speaking in front of large groups of people and even making certain amounts of money. It's not magic, but it will feel like it!

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