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The Abundant Mindset Hypnosis Program

The Abundant Mindset Hypnosis Program

Regular price $222.00 USD
Regular price $300.00 USD Sale price $222.00 USD
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Imagine waking up each day feeling truly abundant, surrounded by endless opportunities and joy! Not to mention, having MORE than enough money!

Abundance is about more than just material wealth—it's about ultimate freedom and inner fulfillment.

Are you ready to rewrite your story and unlock the abundance of the universe? This self-led eight week program contains all the tools you need to release limitations and reprogram your mind for abundance!

This program covers every corner of the abundance mindset from healing wealth wounds to feeling worthy of abundance, to building confidence in your self and your dreams and healing your relationship with money!

The Abundant Mindset Program goes beyond manifesting money here and there. It is entirely focused on changing YOU and becoming the generates abundance easily and effortlessly by alignment of the heart.

I created this program for myself to tap into the energies of abundance - wholeness, gratitude, freedom - while changing my mindset and relationship with abundance. My results have been miraculous! Abundance has shown up for me in ways I least expected. New jobs, opportuntiies, FREE travel accross the world, even a loving partner who supports me in my dreams.

I had NO IDEA that by focusing on abundance, my entire life would change! That is because Abundance goes way beyond the money. The money is a small part of the BIG PICTURE. This program is entirely intended to connect you to unlimited potential of your heart, the easiest and quickest way to move beyond the limitations of the mind.

Are you ready to tap into abundance?

Your abundance awaits. ✨

This comprehensive bundle includes:

🌀 Eight Hypnosis Sessions: Dive deep into eight sessions targeting different aspects of the abundant mindset, rewiring your subconscious for prosperity and liberation from limiting beliefs.

☀️Morning Manifestation Meditation: Start your day with a heart-opening meditation, inviting abundance to flow freely into your life.

🌙 Sleep Tape: Drift into a restful sleep as you reprogram your mind for abundance and prosperity overnight.

🌱 EFT Tapping: Release blocks and negative energy with an EFT tapping session, clearing the path for abundance to manifest effortlessly.

📒Workbook: Reinforce your transformation with the Abundant Life workbook, filled with exercises to deepen your embodiment of the abundant mindset.

The Abundant Mindset Hypnosis Audio Playlist:

Healing Wealth Wounds: Dive into a transformative journey of healing with this audio, designed to help you overcome past financial struggles and forge a harmonious relationship with money, paving the way for abundant prosperity.

I Am Worthy of Abundance: Elevate your self-worth and open the floodgates to abundance with this empowering audio, guiding you to recognize and embrace your inherent value, magnetizing wealth and abundance effortlessly into your life.

I Am Financially Free: Take control of your financial destiny with this audio, which helps you to relax your nervous system to embrace the ease and flow of financial freedom.

I Am Grateful: Immerse yourself in the transformative power of gratitude with this session designed to deepen your appreciation for the abundance that surrounds you and practice the state of receivership, unlocking joy, fulfillment, and prosperity in every aspect of your life.

Embracing Wholeness: Embrace and accept all aspects of yourself, fostering a sense of completeness and abundance in who you are and what you have. This powerful session will help you embody the energy of wholeness, closing the gap between you and your true heart’s desires.

Abundance is Everywhere: Shift your perspective and open your eyes to the abundance that permeates every corner of your existence with this session, empowering you to attract and manifest abundance in all areas of your life effortlessly.

My New Money Story: Rewrite your financial narrative with this session, empowering you to craft a new, empowering relationship with money, anchored in abundance, wealth, and prosperity.

Unshakeable Belief in Your Business: Fuel your journey to success with unwavering confidence and conviction in your goals with this session audio, empowering you to overcome obstacles and manifest your dreams with unyielding faith and determination.

Abundantly Blessed, Prosperous, and Emotionally RICH Sleep Hypnosis:

Drift into a restful slumber while reprogramming your subconscious mind for abundant living in all aspects with this audio, designed to induce deep relaxation and awaken you to a life of boundless prosperity and emotional fulfillment.

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